Thursday, May 3, 2012

Calling Out Verizon's Corporate Greed

On May 3, CEJ, Occupy Buffalo, and community and labor partners occupied and mic checked a Verizon Wireless store in Amherst, NY. As part of the growing movement to confront corporate power and greed, we engaged in a non-violent direct action against a very greedy corporation - Verizon.  

While Verizon was holding its shareholders’ meeting in Huntsville, Alabama, workers, people of faith, and community and labor leaders were there, and in cities across the country, including Buffalo, to tell CEO Lowell McAdam to end Verizon’s corporate greed and negotiate a fair contract with union workers. 

Verizon makes billions in profits every year, dodges paying federal income taxes, receiving nearly $1 billion back from the federal government from 2008-2010, and increased CEO Lowell McAdam’s pay from $7 million to over $23 million last year.  In less than a day, McAdam is paid more than the average union worker earns at Verizon in a year.  Despite making record profits and excessive compensation for its executives, when it comes to the 45,000 workers who make Verizon’s success possible, the company cries broke. 

While Verizon has tripled CEO McAdam’s pay to $23.1 million, the company has made excessive demands that would each cost each union worker $20,000 a year.  Verizon wants to cut healthcare benefits, eliminate or freeze pensions, and cut disability benefits for workers injured on the job.  In addition, Verizon wants to eliminate all job security protections and to continue to outsource jobs overseas. 

Call Verizon’s corporate greed out and tell McAdam to negotiate a fair contract with workers by calling 800-229-9460 to record a message that will be delivered directly to Verizon executives.  Tell them to end their corporate greed and treat workers, customers, and communities with respect – by negotiating a fair contract. 

To learn more, visit

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