Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Imagine a world where every selfish CEO, Wall St. banker, or greedy corporation was a one-foot tall pin you could destroy with the toss of a heavy, spinning ball... Pretend that's what this is!!!

Our annual bowling party/competition is a great way to cap the summer and is one of our most fun events! The Strike for Justice! will be taking place on Saturday, August 20th 7:00pm at Kenmore Lanes (1691 Kenmore Ave). Participating is easy, all you need to do is organize a team!

Get 3 other people (friends, staff, family!) and form a team of 4! You and your team pick a name, get a costume, and can join the healthy competition to win prizes donated by great local businesses and sports teams! Who doesn’t like a nice air-conditioned night of bowling? There will be drink specials, too – buy one get one free for your first drink! Price is $60 for a team of 4 and includes 2 games and shoe rental! There is also a $40 price option for unemployed/underemployed/student teams.

(So far we've had prizes donated by El Buen Amigo, Betty's Restaurant, Rick Cycle Shop, the Lexington Coop, The Carousel Museum, Allentown Spirits, the Buffalo Bills, Rust Belt Books, Allentown Music, Sweet Tooth, Maureen's Flower Shop, Chef's Restaurant, Lebro's, La Dulce Vita, Squeaky Wheel, Urban Roots Community Garden Center, and The Stock Exchange! More are coming in as this is written! Come win this stuff!!!)

This event is a great way to have fun while meeting and networking with a lot of great folks in the city of Buffalo - all while bowling and drinking beer (or not.) In addition, you will be supporting and helping expand the work of an organization that fights on behalf of working families and communities in Buffalo and WNY every day, and is committed to helping make Buffalo a better place to live, work, and play!


You can also pay and register online!

If you would like to know more about the event or have any questions, email or call our office at 716-892-5877!

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