Monday, November 28, 2011

Though this letter was sent last week - we decided to post it because it describes what the Fight for a Fair Economy Coalition is working on in NY State, and where this fits into the national context. Definitely worth a read!

November 23rd, 2011

To our Western New York Delegation:

Tomorrow, November 23rd, the congressional “Super Committee” will announce their decision as to how the federal government will decrease our national debt by $1.2 trillion.

Simply put, the best way to reduce the deficit, is to put an end to irresponsible tax cuts to the nations wealthiest. By ignoring this obvious fact, the Super-Committee proved that it feels more responsibility to 1% of the nation, as opposed to the 99%.

Our government has an opportunity in the coming months to demonstrate good government and sound judgment by extending the “Millionaires Tax.” If action is not taken, New York State stands to lose $5 Billion in the upcoming fiscal year. This would prevent more job lose, shift the tremendous burden from those earning the least to those earning the most, and would ensure we continue to receive the quality services New York State has to offer.

The timing is appropriate, as it’s the day before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving means many things to many people, but at its core it is about celebrating the cornucopia of the fall harvest and the coming together of family and friends to share in this celebration. This Thanksgiving will look and feel extremely different for thousands of families and individuals who are unable to afford their heat or electricity, let alone a large feast.

Unemployment stands at over 9% nationally and just under 8% locally. Thousands of people have lost their jobs throughout NY State in the past year. Increased unemployment, a harsh winter around the corner, cuts in social services and yet the current Super Committee proposal leaves Bush Era tax cuts to the super wealthy untouched, and insists upon a tax reduction for the wealthy. How is this even possible?

The Fight for a Fair Economy Coalition partners recognize the need to reduce the deficit, but there are healthier and more equitable ways than cutting programs many people rely on. Here in New York State, our elected officials stand poised to actively allow for the end of a critical revenue source, the aptly termed “millionaire’s tax.” Even though HEAP and other services have been defunded, which has affected the basic rights and dignity of NY State residents, the Governor has declared that the millionaire’s tax will sunset and in effect, we will lose over an additional $4 billion dollars in revenue in the upcoming fiscal year. The ability to offset the economic instability of the country is to ensure everyone pays their fair share. We can continue to enforce that here in NY State through the extension of the millionaire’s tax.

As elected representatives of New York State, we implore you to do the right thing. The right thing is not complicated. There is a proven source of revenue based on a more equitable system of taxation that is proportional to income. It means that we are all equally investing in our communities, our neighborhoods, our hospitals, our police, our streets, our parks, and the services that we require and rely on to make New York State a safe place to live, work, play and raise a family.

Do not let the “anti-poor,” “anti-working families,” and “pro-business” mentality of the Super Committee affect how we do business here in New York State. Cutting social spending and decreasing critical access to services is not the way to re-energize an economy and does not demonstrate that we truly value the need for opportunities to be open to all, that health care is a human right, or that work and dignity are fundamental to the fabric of our country.

Equitable taxation is a key pillar to jump starting our economy. Extending the millionaire’s tax is pivotal to New York State’s prosperity. The revenue produced by equitable taxation has tremendous economic multiplier effects-provision of social services, job creation, job retention, it would give people opportunities to work, to pay taxes, and to ensure that the economy remains stable through new revenue streams and smart public expenditures.

Fight for a Fair Economy Coalition

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